Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment of the Russian Federation  
The Federal Subsoil Resources Management Agency

Hydrophysical studies

Hydrophysical studies are conducted to detect abnormal structures of oceanic waters associated with hydrothermal activity, and for geoenvironmental monitoring. Studies are carried out at point stations.

The work is carried out by a hydrophysical probe SBE 911 plus / SBE 32 Carousel (Fig. 1) produced by Sea Bird Electronics (USA) and equipped with SBE 17 SERAM memory unit. Measured parameters: pressure, electrical conductivity, temperature, transparency-transmission of light, methane. It is possible to install an autonomous acoustic Doppler current profiler ADCP WHS300 on the probe frame. Hydrophysical parameters are measured at each station throughout the entire water column from the surface to the bottom, both on the descent and on the rise with a resolution of 24 measurements per second. The registration of the data received during the sounding process arrives at the personal computer.

When the station is used to determine the distance from the bottom, an acoustic altimeter or a sensor of contact with a bottom is used, which are part of the sounding complex.


Outboard works are carried out with the port side winch on a cable (KG-1- * 1.5-55-150) 6000 m long, through a U-shaped portal. The probe trip rate is 1 m / s, and in the bottom (1000 m) layer - 0.5 m / s.


Work is carried out at depths of up to 6,000 m and at sea disturbance up to 4 points.

Below are examples of the obtained vertical profiles of hydrophysical parameters, graphs of changes in hydrophysical parameters and an example of a hydrological section.




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